LF na veletrhu COTECA 2018

10/10/2018 10:49:00

LF na veletrhu COTECA 2018

OD 10/10/2018 DO 12/10/2018

LF vystavuje na veletrhu COTECA  v Hamburg, Germany od 10. do 12. října 2018.

Hall A4
Stánek 516

Místo konání:
Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH
Messeplatz 1
20357 Hamburg

Alternate Text Image
Best Wishes from your REPA Team!
During the festive season, we are here for you! We are open on working days, with the only exceptions: Closed on December 24th and December 31st. On December 30th, the cut-off time for orders will be at 1:00 PM. Happy holidays from the entire REPA team!